
benefits of the sun

In southern Sweden, there was a 2X increased risk of death among those who avoided sun exposure compared with the highest sun exposure group [3]. In some patients with Parkinson’s disease, light exposure (1,000-1,500 lux, 1 hour daily for 2 weeks) improved mood, social activity, motor function and, in some cases, reduced medication for dopamine replacement by 13%-100% [23]. Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was reduced by 0.6-2.1 years [4]. Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was 0.6-2.1 years lower [3]. Consistent with this, the dopamine DRD2 and DRD3 receptors were greater in people who got more sunshine. If I have convinced you that perhaps the sun is not an object of pure evil and that there are significant benefits of tanning, that doesn’t mean that you should just throw the sunscreen away and go for a 5-hour sunbathing session in the bright sun. The sun offers an essential benefit of enhancing our moods. People with Alzheimer’s have disturbed circadian rhythms, and the sun is critical to circadian rhythms [44]. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed, March 1, 2016 You're supposed to work up to being able to do it for longer and longer periods of time. Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. Source of Vitamin D: Natural sunlight provides Vitamin D. This vitamin is called the sunshine vitamin. His mission is to bridge the gap between science and everyday life, helping readers improve their health and feel better. Our goal is to not have a single piece of inaccurate information on this website. As if this weren’t compelling enough, a recent study showed that low vitamin D levels from sun avoidance increase all-cause mortality [8]. One study found that chronic sun deprivation leads to cognitive impairment [36]. , Comment Closed, January 20, 2016 Low vitamin D levels cause and worsen osteoporosis and osteomalacia (painful bone disease) in both men and women [6]. 11. All of our content is written by scientists and people with a strong science background. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a result of impaired mental health due to the lack of sun exposure. Be proactive in the sunshine. The amount of sun that is optimal or excessive will depend on [5]: For example, in a half-hour of the summer sun, a pale-skinned person can produce 50,000 IU (1.25 mg) vitamin D. In a tanned person, this exposure creates 20,000-30,000 IU, and 8,000-10,000 IU in dark-skinned people [5]. As a result, just as important for entraining your circadian rhythm as getting sunlight in the morning is avoiding artificial light at night [17]. 5 Benefits of Sunshine. Has antioxidant properties: Antioxidants are known to provide a host of health benefits. Understanding the benefits and risks of sun exposure is causing some dermatologists to do some cost-benefit analysis when it comes to the advice they give patients about sunlight and sunscreen. Getting enough light increases night-time melatonin levels [15]. One study found that sun exposure increases levels of serotonin and its associated receptors in the brains of healthy men. The ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun is a known carcinogen. Can being in the sun be good for you? Tagged as planet, sun, March 20, 2016 If you have to spend more time outside, make sure to protect the skin by: If you’re worried about the potentially toxic chemicals in commercial sunscreen products, look for the ones with non-nano zinc oxide instead [75, 76]. circadian rhythm is important for the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, 12+ Medical Uses & Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, 10 Potential Shilajit Benefits + Side Effects, Dosage, 8 Best Herbal Bitters + Combinations & Synergies, Contains Infrared, which has a myriad of benefits, Contains Full Spectrum Light, which increases dopamine and serotonin and certain spectrums can improve mitochondrial function (red light), Increases Beta-endorphins, which improves mood, Relaxes the nervous system and makes us calmer, Increases Nitric Oxide, which helps improve blood flow, Lowers inflammation (UV is an immunosuppressant), Improves Blood flow – blood flows where UV shines, Is anti-Microbial – the sun can irradiate large amounts of blood – against fungi, bacteria viruses, etc…, Increases CD8 Cells, which help the immune system, Increases sulfhydryl groups (necessary for glutathione), Breaks down adrenaline, estrogen, cortisol, prolactin, progesterone (and testosterone), We don’t build up exposure gradually (we take a vacation), Circadian rhythm dysfunction (circadian processes protect us from the sun), We have lower NAD+ (which is our natural sunscreen). This is especially important to people who currently have problems with their eyesight. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. Some children with severe early childhood cavities are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency [51]. These findings point to a protective role of maternal UVB exposure and vitamin D status in the 2nd and 3rd trimester [65, 66]. We don’t spread out the sun (gets concentrated in specific places), Diets low in antioxidants and healthy fats, Excessive showering (taking off protective oils), Not spreading out the sun (gets concentrated in specific places). Sunlight serves a crucial role in the body's production of vitamin D, which has many health benefits. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us at [email protected]. Cardiac death has been reported to be the highest during the winter months [33]. If these genes are not working well, you will need more sun: What determines “optimal” sun exposure? A good general approach would be to start off with 10 minutes of sun exposure per day and slowly build up, making sure to avoid getting sunburned. A large global meta-analysis of over 300 trials confirmed that MS incidence is higher in regions at a higher latitude and lower UVB exposure. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The SCN receives its messages from the eye. So, your body’s key way of telling the time of day will depend on how much light your eyes receive at certain times of the day. Published: September, 2005. It’s time to appreciate the healing benefits of the sun. Where the artificial lights solve the problem by consuming enormous amounts of electricity, Second Sun solves it by utilizing the sun's natural light. A large number of public health messages over the past century have focused on the dangers of too much sun exposure, such as aging, skin cancer and DNA damage. Observational studies have linked vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency with increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases such as IBD and type 1 diabetes. It also signals the start and finish of every day. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation [ 6 ]. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Circulating vitamin D levels provide a surrogate measure of sun exposure and that it is the other molecules and pathways induced by sun exposure, rather than vitamin D-driven processes, that explain many of the benefits often attributed to vitamin D [2]. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Humans have a long history of using sunlight therapy that dates back to the ancient Greeks. , Comment Closed, March 20, 2016 However, the sun lowers the risk of death caused by other kinds of cancer such as breast and prostate cancer. Although skin cancer has been associated with too much UV exposure, especially in areas of the world with a damaged ozone layer, not getting enough sun is associated with a number of other cancers [5]. We are dedicated to providing the most scientifically valid, unbiased, and comprehensive information on any given topic. We instinctively think people with a tan look healthier. Apr. To get this particular benefit, you are required to look into the sun’s direction without putting on sunglasses for only a short period of time. Benefits of The Sun salutation. , Erwin Z Stay Away From Anything That Causes Inflammation! Read on to learn the amazing benefits of sunlight, potential dangers, and safety tips. According to some researchers, rates of high blood pressure also correlate with latitude (i.e. You might also find you go to bed earlier [16]. The UVB light boosts regulatory T cells (Tregs), which prevent excessive inflammation and autoimmune response [74]. There are many mechanisms by which low calcitriol and high PTH harm your heart. The benefits of the sun for the animal Besides the benefits of the sun rays to human beings, it also has benefits that related to animal, including: Stimulates the animal’s body to produce vitamin D naturally, and thus contributing to increase the efficiency of calcium absorption, and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation [6]. According to a study of 1179 women, taking 2-4 times the daily recommended intake of vitamin D3 (200-600 IU) and calcium is associated with two times lower cancer rates [18]. Here are the nine benefits of getting energy straight from its greatest source: the sun. , Comment Closed, December 29, 2015 Health Benefits of Sun. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with insulin resistance, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome [33, 54]. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed. Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal health & cognitive function. A surprising advantage of the sun is that it could possibly improve your eyesight, provided you do not look at it directly. Vitamin D receptors are present in the pancreas, increasing insulin secretion and sensitivity [33]. Researchers have suggested it is no coincidence that large numbers of Vitamin D receptors are found in the areas of the brain involved in complex planning, processing, and the formation of new memories [39]. Plants are the basis of any food chain. In elderly women, vitamin D deficiency leads to cognitive impairment [38]. Top Health Benefits of Sun Exposure 1) Increases Vitamin D Levels The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply [ 5 ]. There are several health benefits of sunlight. In fact, the Western hemisphere has a history of using sunlight therapy (heliotherapy) that dated back to the ancient Greeks. Read everything about it on Shortpedia Voices. Vitamin D accumulates in cells of the intestines, where it enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption, controlling the flow of calcium into and out of bones. The sun could possibly assist you to steer away from several types of cancers. These messages will depend on how much light the eye is being exposed to [12, 13]. The benefit of sun exposure may be partly due to the production of nitric oxide [56]. Posted in Miscellaneous. Sunlight also increases relaxation and contentment by increasing beta-endorphins – the same chemicals responsible for “runner’s high” [32]. The main reason appears to be vitamin D deficiency and the lack of sun exposure in women. Check out SelfDecode’s Inflammation DNA Wellness Report for genetic-based diet, lifestyle and supplement tips that can help reduce inflammation levels. However, vitamin D supplementation in humans has shown mixed results for autoimmunity; this indicates more complex protection from sun exposure, including the immunosuppressive effects of UV light [2, 73]. One study found that, of the 80 participants with Alzheimer’s disease, over half had low vitamin D levels, which suggests that they aren’t getting enough sun [42]. The UV light can suppress the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, asthma, and allergies in mice – regardless of their vitamin D status. Active D/Calcitriol plays versatile roles in heart health and fluid balance [33]. However, in reality, today’s science tells us that exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in sunlight has many beneficial effects on human health. Low vitamin D levels correlate with schizophrenia and depression [40]. Although I tout the benefits of the sun for proper vitamin D intake, I have no doubt that too much sun can be a very bad thing. 1. The recommendations are personalized based on YOUR DNA. Used by plants for performing photosynthesis procedure. Second Sun focuses on solving the same problem as artificial grow light systems do. In Australia, the highest incidence of multiple sclerosis has been reported in Tasmania (further from the equator), three times higher than in Northern Queensland (closer to the equator) [61]. This therapy is being explored for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients [45]. 12. Excessive exposure increases the risk of: Some of the main reasons for negative, skin-damaging effects of UV light from sun exposure include [83, 84, 85, 86]: Experts are saying to avoid anything that causes inflammation during this Coronavirus pandemic, but some people have genes that make them more likely to experience inflammation. Exposing a bigger surface of your skin and sunbathing around midday will help you make more vitamin D without spending too much time in the sun. Here’s what they said. Sun exposure typically gets a bad rap, but did you know that moderate time in the sun has some great health benefits? 5 min. strengthens muscles and joints. It is advisable to expose the children to the Sun rays for suitable periods of time as the Sun emits ultraviolet rays th at help in the formation of vitamin ” D ” that is necessary for the bones growth.. Dr. Bligard says there are many benefits from sunlight, including that it is a free mood enhancer. There are more benefits of the Sun than just providing us with power and energy. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. I’ve witnessed it in my fair-skinned siblings and experienced it myself as a child. Here are 10 health benefits of black tea, all supported by science. The windmills change wind energy into electric energy. I talked to the experts to understand the benefits of sunlight. Aleksa is passionate about herbal pharmacy, nutrition, and functional medicine. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, as well as to mineralize. They are continually monitored by our internal peer-review process and if we see anyone making material science errors, we don't let them write for us again. Thus, adequate vitamin D production through sun exposure is vital for healthy bones [5]. Most the health benefits and energy are usually blocked when you use contact lenses and eyeglasses. Posts Tagged ‘Benefits of the Sun 04. The sun is a source of light in our lives regardless of whether you are spiritual or not. Namely, the Iranian revolution re-introduced stricter Islamic traditions including covering up of the skin of females in the last few decades [67, 68]. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] Besides the above benefits, there are many ways in which sunlight benefits the human body. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "benefits of sun" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Vitamin D is a crucial immunomodulatory factor; it strengthens the immune system but also prevents over-activation that leads to autoimmunity [70]. The sun can help clear skin, and keep blood flowing. You … In a Swedish study of over 29,500 women, there was a twofold increase in mortality among those who avoided sun exposure, compared with the highest sun exposure group [3]. Studies demonstrate that daytime exposure to bright light causes a significant decrease in sleepiness early in the evening. Our science team must pass long technical science tests, difficult logical reasoning and reading comprehension tests. Adding a little sunshine to your life by getting outside can relieve anxiety, reduce depression, and help with other conditions. The sun benefits the Earth in several ways, including giving the light animals see with or the energy needed to produce artificial light, the heat that makes life on Earth possible, and energy for plants to make food through photosynthesis of sunlight. I think sungazing is done during the first hour of sunrise and the last hour of sunset. This is very important for your health. The connection remained significant after adjusting for other factors, such as genetic predisposition [62]. Basically, the SCN helps your body tell the time of day [10, 11]. Nonsmokers who avoided sun exposure had a life expectancy similar to smokers in the highest sun exposure group, indicating that avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor as significant as smoking. In another study, even brief exposure to sunlight substantially increased participant’s alertness and thinking ability. Subjects with Alzheimer’s were exposed to bright light significantly less than healthy controls (0.5 vs. 1.0 hr). This is important as relatively high serotonin levels result in better moods and a calm, focused mental outlook [21, 22, 23]. In older individuals, low vitamin D levels are associated with low mood [26]. The sun offers other benefits as proven in the following article. Our team comprises of trained MDs, PhDs, pharmacists, qualified scientists, and certified health and wellness specialists. To use the heat of the sun’s rays to dry towels and clothes. , Erwin Z , Harri Daniel , Comments Off on Benefits Of the Sun. SelfHacked © 2013 – 2020 All Rights Reserved, Experts are saying to avoid anything that causes inflammation during this Coronavirus pandemic, but some people have genes that make them more likely to experience inflammation. By using the Second Sun system, several benefits follow. A large number of public health messages have focused on the dangers of too much sun exposure, such as skin cancer. It regulates the immune system by both vitamin D-dependent and independent mechanisms [69]. Not surprisingly, serotonin levels are … Categories: Healthy Teeth Tips Tags: Benefits of the Sun, mark ehrhardt dds. It also signals the start and finish of every day. Vitamin D accumulates in cells of the intestines, where it enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption, controlling the flow of calcium into and out of bones. Beta-endorphins are our internal painkillers [59]. Benefits of the sun. , Erwin Z The sun helps you maintain a radiant and healthy body, and you will reap wonderful benefits from it. Getting outdoors on a stressful day to enjoy the sun helps the body to relieve some tension and thus improve your mood. This is why I use blue blocking glasses after sunset. The painkilling effects of sunlight are probably due to its ability to increase beta-endorphins in the skin. Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. Blistering sunburns and sun poisoning are not something I want my children to ever experience if I can help it. You might wanna think twice before you decide to sit in the shade ! The UV light that is emitted in the sun’s rays prompts the production of Vitamin D in our body which has a whole host of healing effects. Check out SelfDecode’s, for genetic-based diet, lifestyle and supplement tips that can help reduce inflammation levels. Sunlight increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is associated with improved mood. When exposed to sunlight, the body makes vitamin D. As life forms evolved in the ocean they were exposed to sunlight. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed, March 10, 2016 Dr. Robert S. Stern, chair of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , calls them "solar-phobes": people so concerned about getting skin cancer that they stay inside or cover every bit of skin. , Erwin Z, 1 Comment, March 5, 2016 Therefore, if you take vitamin D, you won’t prevent many of the risks associated with lower vitamin D. The safest way to prevent these risks is to actually get sun. Vitamin D deficiency causes and worsens osteoporosis and osteomalacia in both men and women [6]. Selfhacked LLC does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Required fields are marked *. Today, sunlight therapy is referred to as heliotherapy. Patients with symptomatic SAD also show evidence of altered DA system function compared with healthy controls [23]. 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