
essay on my school

Each separate essay on my school for class 6 and my school essay for 7th and 8th classes. All are hardworking. The campus of my school is like my second home, where I meet my extended family consisting of friends, teachers and staffs. 100 words My School short Essay in English for Students. Essay on My Ideal School My ideal school Education is something that makes our future better. Since, education is essential weapon for tomorrow, so the good schools of today are important for the best future of a nation. My school atmosphere is very pleasant and school environment is very clean and attractive there are gardens and lawns, flowers etc. This simple essay on “My School” for Class 1 will help to build a good foundation for essay writing in kids. Set them up and down in thedirection. I am proud of my school because it provides us all the basic facilities like a big playground, a central library, a big auditorium hall, a science lab and a good computer lab. My School. What are the Types of Relations in Set Theory. There is a big library as well. get custom paper. Writing an essay about your school sums up what you feel and observe about your school. My school is one of the famous schools in the city. I come to school with other friends of mine. In the academic field, it has made a mark. I study in class four. It has a big and beautiful building that looks shiny from far away. The name of my school is St. Xavier School and it is located in the area of Electronic City, in Bengaluru. My School time is the only time which I enjoy a lot. You just have to take few things in your mind before you start writing about your school. My School Essay 300 Words. Pilot Govt. We learn a lot of things like disciple, self help, confidence and cooperation here. FREE German Essay … I learned a lot from school, I have the highest regard for my school. Long and short essays on my school in English. My First Day at School. 4.What are good facilities available at your school? School is a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens. My school has the best available facilities like playground, a library, a science hall, and a great computer lab. I am fortunate enough to be a student at this school. The School is the foundation or gateway from where a kid starts getting education . I read in the best school in my city. My School : (Brief Essay) A school is a place where we gain our basic knowledge. The library of our school is very big and keeps the books for all the students. He is quite cool and kind man. The school is such a sweet heaven on earth that prepares the small minds for the great tasks. And I consider myself to be best future of not only of my family but my country. For anyone, the school they studied would be the most unforgettable place in the world. I really enjoy myself for being first in row in school assembly. They sit together in respective classes to get education. The school office is managed by eight clerks and two cashiers. My school is well known for its education system. high school. In a school we are taught how to move in society, how to behave with others and how to progress in life. Where we can ern and get trained. In fact, it is the result of the hard work done by our teachers. The best schools are those who make the students best. School plays a pivotal role in an individual’s life because it lays a strong foundation for future growth and development. First Day At My School: It was my first day of the school and first day of the new session too. You can also explore resources like worksheets, stories, poems, essays, GK questions, etc for your kids here. He donated land and money for the school. 2.Discuss in points why you like your school the most? Essay on My School Life – Essay 1 (200 words) School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduced you to the world and more so your own self. Essay on My School. My School Essay/Composition; The name of my school is Nandina M.H.K. My school life is all about the memories I deeply cherish. high school. My school name is God Grace School. It is situated on the Chitragupta Road, New Delhi. We greet each other. Not only it provides education but it is a tool of character building of a nation. Our school has a good reputation for being the top 3 schools in the district; Teachers give individual attention to individual students. In addition to that, all My school essays are written separately for you. Education is an essential part of our lives. The main step to acquire education is enrolling oneself in a school. Did you hire out a designer to create your theme? My parents accompanied me to school on the first day. It is blessing that our country has so many great schools. Here we have tried to answer your most common questions about my school in simple and understandable words. Browse the site and find further. I go … It is spread across half acre land, which comprises a school building, campus and a big ground. 500+ Words Essay on My School Life. School life is one of the most important phases in the life of a man. 3.What is environment of education and learning available at your school? Our school is situated in London. Below we have provided an extended essay on my first day at school, suitable for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. Required fields are marked *. l love your essay wow Essay On My School : School is temple of knowledge. The class or standard is the level or step of education system. In fact, all of our school teachers are very kind a very professional in teaching. Right from school to the university level, the education is divided into various classes or standard level. Each grade/ standard has 7 sections – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. There are 1,000 students in the school. I study in one of the best school of our city. 500+ Words Essay on My School. It was set up in 1943 by a landlord in our area. The name of my school is JB High School. Attending the school assembly is a wonderful experience. The good schools are indeed the true assets of a nation. It is made of stones and bricks. My school is one of the best schools in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. My school was established in 1995 it is the branch of bvb group. My last day at school is still fresh in my memory. Its students secure top positions in the board examinations. The headmaster as well as the … It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. However, be essay on my school that required paper and without your personal writer and is difficult to choose and essay on my school your work. Other parents accompanied their children as well. My Last Day At School Essay The first and last day at school is of unique significance for students. It has been equipped with the necessary apparatus and scientific instruments. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. The school is the name of a building where student from all around come. As soon the assembly ends we rush to our respective classrooms. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Essay on My School – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My School for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The school provides education to live better and make progress for tomorrow. The Essay on “ My School Essay” has been prepared by our teachers at Vedantu to help you guide with your essay about my school. माय स्कूल एस्से: मेरे विद्यालय का नाम राजकीय सहशिख्या माध्यमिक विद्यालय, किर्ति नगर है । यह एक आदर्श विद्‌यालय है । यहाँ शिक्षा खेल-कूद तथा अन्य शिक्षेतर गतिविधियों की उत्तम व्यवस्था है । यहाँ का वातावरण शांत एवं मनोरम है ।, मेरे विद्‌यालय में छठी से लेकर दसवीं कक्षा तक की पढाई होती है । प्रत्येक कक्षा में दो या तीन सेक्सन (अनुभाग) हैं । विद्‌यालय का भवन दुमंजिला है । इसमें लगभग पचास कमरे हैं । कक्षा के सभी कमरे, फर्नीचर, पंखे आदि से सुसज्जित एवं हवादार हैं । प्रधानाचार्य का कक्ष विशेष रूप से सजा हुआ है । इसके अलावा स्टाफ रूम पुस्तकालय कक्ष, हॉल, कंप्यूटर कक्ष प्रयोगशाला कक्ष आदि भी सभी प्रकार की उत्तम व्यवस्था से युक्त हैं । विद्‌यालय में पेयजल और शौचालय का भी समुचित प्रबंध है ।, मेरे विद्‌यालय में लगभग ढाई हजार विद्‌यार्थी पढ़ते हैं । अध्यापक- अध्यापिकाओं की संख्या पचास है । इनके अतिरिक्त दस अन्य स्टॉफ भी हैं । इनमें तीन क्लर्क एक माली एवं पाँच चपरासी हैं । एक दरबान है जो रात्रिकाल में विद्‌यालय की चौकीदारी करता है ।, शिक्षा के मामले में मेरा विद्‌यालय शहर में अग्रणी स्थान रखता है । प्राय : सभी विद्‌यार्थी अच्छे अंकों से पास होते हैं । शिक्षकगण विद्‌यार्थियों की प्रगति का पूरा लेखा-जोखा रखते हैं । अधिकांश शिक्षक विद्वान, अनुभवी एवं योग्य हैं । हमारी प्रधानाचार्या सुसंस्कृत एवं अनुशासनप्रिय हैं । उनके नेतृत्व में विद्‌यालय दिन-दूनी रात-चौगुनी उन्नति कर रहा है । वे विद्‌यालय के चहुंमुखी विकास के लिए कटिबद्ध दिखाई देती हैं । विद्‌यार्थी प्रधानाचार्या के प्रति बहुत आदरभाव रखते हैं ।, आजकल तकनीकी शिक्षा का महत्त्व बढ गया है । मेरे विद्‌यालय में तकनीकी शिक्षा के रूप में कंप्यूटर सिखाने पर पूरा जोर दिया जाता है । प्रयोगशाला में विज्ञान के अनुप्रयोगों को बताया जाता है । हमारे विद्‌यालय में खेल-कूद पर भी पूरा ध्यान दिया जाता है । खेल प्रशिक्षक हमें क्रिकेट, फुटबॉल, हॉकी, बैडमिंटन, खो-खो, कबड्‌डी आदि खेलों को खेलने की उचित ट्रेनिंग देते हैं । पिछले वर्ष मेरा विद्‌यालय अंतर्‌विद्‌यालय हॉकी प्रतिस्पर्धा में प्रथम स्थान पर रहा था ।, मेरे विद्‌यालय में एक अच्छा पुस्तकालय है । पुस्तकालय से विद्‌यार्थी पाठ्‌य-पुस्तकें पढ़ने के लिए ले जा सकते हैं । यहाँ पाठ्‌य-पुस्तकों के अतिरिक्त कहानियों, कविताओं तथा ज्ञान-विज्ञान से संबंधित पुस्तकों का अच्छा संग्रह है ।, मेरे विद्‌यालय के प्रांगण में अनेक पेड़-पौधे लगे हुए हैं । कतारों में लगे पेड़ों एवं फूल के पौधों से सुंदर प्राकृतिक दृश्य उत्पन्न हो जाता है । माली पेड़-पौधों की नियमित देखभाल करता है । विद्‌यालय में हमें बताया गया है कि पेड-पौधे हमारे लिए कितने महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं । इसलिए हम लोग इनकी पूरी देखभाल करते हैं ।, हमें विद्‌यालय में पढाई और खेल-कूद के अलावा सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेने का अवसर प्राप्त होता है । छात्र-छात्राऐं बाल दिवस, गणतंत्र दिवस, स्वतंत्रता दिवस, शिक्षक दिवस, गाँधी जयंती विद्‌यालय का वार्षिकोत्सव जैसे विभिन्न अवसरों पर होने वाले सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा लेते हैं । इससे हमारे अंदर ईमानदारी धैर्य साहस आपसी सहयोग जैसे गुणों का विकास होता है ।, मेरे विद्‌यालय में सब कुछ व्यवस्थित, अनुशासित, सहयोगपूर्ण एवं आमोदपूर्ण है । मुझे अपने विद्‌यालय पर गर्व का अनुभव होता है ।. The ideal school should be able to teach a person to make a good living and how to., And on tourube. A benevolent landlady named Moharani Hemanta Kumari established this school in 1935. It was set up in 1943 by a land-lord in our area. My School Essay for 6th Class Students. The best school is also made by best teachers. You can write about your school in very easy way. It has a staff of 70 members. I consider my school as the best school because it supports and encourages every student to do best and make progress. The famous schools in Delhi in one of the Mann school your school ) area! Nandina M.H.K the class or standard is the discipline that exists there here this. Made much progress the result of the school is JB High school my town activities are! Aliganj and is affiliated to the university level, the education is divided various... 350 words ) Introduction of a nation my memory by a land-lord in our area a designer create. 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