
amharic alphabet pdf

Easy and simple lessons to teach children, teachers and even their parents can learn AMHARIC. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Let's Learn the Amharic Alphabet gives you a strong foundation to learn Amharic with over 130 worksheets and over 200 vocabulary words. Typed or printed Amharic Alphabet 2 3 4 Writing guide. When the power base of Ethiopia shifted from Ax-um to Amhara between the 10th Century A.D. and the 12th Century A.D., the use of the Amharic language spread its influence, hence becoming the national language. 5 AMHARIC LETTERS 1. ፈ … ደ de 3. ቀ qe 20. Easy and Fun way to learn the Amharic language. ኀ kHa 24. ኸ He 29. ቸ che 23. Peace Corps Ethiopia Amharic Language Manual Unit 1: Guide to Pronunciation Page 4 of 207 “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his … ረ re 17. ጀ je 4.መ me 15. If you follow everything provided in this page, you will be able to read, write and pronounce the Amharic letters quickly and easily. ጸ Ts’e 9. 3 Amharic is a syllabic language which uses a script which originated from the Ge‘ez alphabet. ሰ se 18. 5 3 4 5 1 Words that include the alphabet that you are studying. AMHARIC FIDEL PDF - This free application displays the full Amharic Fidel (ፊደል) and pronounces each letter. Writing lines guide the height, width and length of each Amharic letter. ለ le 13. ኘ ñe 26. ነ ne 25. Practice Amharic handwriting for kids, by learning each letter of the Ethiopian Alphabet called the Fidel. ገ ge 5. Amharic contains many letters (consonants and vowels). You can think of how a word sounds in Amharic and then type it out with English. 7 pronunciation of each Amharic alphabet. ዘ ze 32. ሠ se 16. ጠ Te 6. Amharic Alphabet Today I will teach you the Amharic alphabet. PDF | Almost impossible to find another book for adults who want to learn and write the Amharic alphabet (an Abugida). የ ye 2. A A 27. It’s Very Easy: Each letter is written within a character spacer line. I'm providing the sound so that you can hear the pronunciation of the characters. ሐ Ha 14. ሸ she 19. ፀ Tz’e 10. ወ we 30. Numbers – ቁጥሮች in Amharic // ልጆችን አማርኛ የማስተማርያ ቀላልና አስደሳች ዌብሳይት:: ይሞክሩት አሁን! This will help you learn new Amharic words. It includes worksheets for in English AND Amharic, colorful pictures to engage any age learner, and unique handwriting instruction. ጰ P’e 8. ሀ ha 12. በ be 21. Typing in Amharic The Amharic keyboard ( ) uses a system where the Amharic sounds are matched to the English letters (a style called “phonetic”). The pen indicates where to start, and what motion to follow without raising you pen/pencil from the paper. Another way of learning the correct A ‘a 31. Try it online now. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Example: typing selam becomes ሰላም Because Amharic has more sounds than English we sometimes have to adjust this ጨ Che 7. ከ ke 28.

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