
comma before including

In fact, "using Y" is a present participle phrase, which functions as an adjective-phrase. Use a comma after a dependent clause when it comes before the independent clause. One example illustrated Secretary Pompeo’s preference for the use of the Oxford comma: “The wartime rations included cabbage, turnips, and bread.” In honor of the Secretary, today we are including our article about commas in a series of three or more items that we first published on January 17, 2007. "Our client handed over a copy of your reply of June 1, 2011, and a copy of the contract including Annexes 1 and 2." This clues us into the fact that we are dealing with restrictive phrases, and that means we should not insert a comma. How to use including in a sentence. Mignon Fogarty . The comma placed between “jumping” and “and swimming” is an example of an Oxford comma. It’s more of a guideline. Example: While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door. It’s a style choice. When to Use a Comma Before “Such As” ... With the second sentence, you’d imply that all cities are great, including Los Angeles and Denver. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Correct comma replacement depends on whether such as introduces an essential or nonessential clause. There are strict rules that govern when you can (and can't) use commas. We can't omit the comma from the sentence. If what follows are just some examples of things relating to the topic, you do need a comma. More examples: Everyone survived, including the family dog. Only if it begins a new clause. Sometimes, whether one puts a comma before "including" or not can affect the meaning of the sentence. 2. In contrast to the examples above, sometimes the phrase does provide information necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Because I was late, I had to sit in the back. ü Where the sentence is focussing on a particular person. Comma Before Including. It’s an adverb because it relates to the state-of-being verb. In general, that is not introduced by a comma, as this would separate the two sentences which that (conjunction) links. The comma before the last item in a sequence can be very helpful. Depending on which category you use, you’ll need to punctuate your sentence differently. Adding or not adding a comma is largely a grammatical preference. ; A nonrestrictive clause is a phrase that adds non-essential information to a sentence without changing the overall meaning. The comma after the name also tells us that the information after the name is essential to identify the person. To answer that, you need to think about the content of the examples. For example: “Jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight.” Thanks. including example sentences. Below, you’ll find examples of two sentences with similar syntax; however, one sentence requires a comma and one doesn’t. ; Don’t use a comma before which when it’s used to pose an indirect question. Like “including,” these phrases may introduce either a restrictive or a nonrestrictive clause. Use a comma before “including” and “such as” when followed by a nonrestrictive, nonessential phrase or clause. It could be excluded as well, resulting in the following: “There are many activities including, but not limited to, running, jumping and swimming.” No comma is used before “such as” or “including” when a sentence wouldn’t make sense without the words that follow. To understand what that is, we need to learn about participles: According to the Grammar Desk Reference , “Participles take two forms: present participles always end in -ing, and past participles usually end in -d or -ed” (2). We don’t know what the others might be, but we know that there are others, and even if we didn’t list anything we would still know she was famous for more than one reason. A nonessential clause could also be written as a parenthetical or placed between em dashes. Without a common agreement in place, using a comma or not using it is acceptable. We are including you. It depends, entirely, on the context in which you are putting the word "even." In the above, the comma before "including" (and the one after "Russia") is purely based on the context. 1. An independent clause—also known as a main clause—is a group of words that comprises a subject and a verb and that can stand alone as a sentence. Depends on the sentence. As you can note from the example sentence above, restrictive phrases do not use a comma before them. In cases where the sentence could be interpreted in two different ways, the writer may use punctuation to alert the reader to his or her intended meaning. 22 Responses to “Comma Before But” Jenxi on February 19, 2014 8:26 am. That last comma, known as the serial comma, Oxford comma, or Harvard comma, causes serious controversy. If you removed the comma from… When you write, you should ask yourself how you want the reader to understand your examples—as essential or inessential—and punctuate accordingly. I don't want to write We focused on X and used Y. because I find it ambiguous: it is unclear whether Y was done to achieve X, or Y was done in addition to X. I don't want to write We focused on X using Y. because it is then unclear whether I used Y myself, or simply that I was interested in "X using Y". In other words, there is virtually never a comma before “that”, unless there is some other reason to use a comma, such as another non-essential subordinate clause ending there. [We rented lodging for our ski trip to Utah in Mar… Some people say to always use it and other people say to only use it when leaving it out would cause confusion. In sentences with the structure of our example, if there is no comma before as, then as means “in the way that” or “while.” When you insert a comma before as, its meaning changes to “because.” Besides, when you use that as a relative pronoun, you cannot use it in non defining sentences (where you use which), but these are the only ones where a comma is needed, to separate them from the main clause. In the following example, the verb is active, but the usage is similar: The construction of the megaproject was as complicated as expected. Many world-renowned athletes, such as Lionel Messi and Michael Phelps,are also among the richest people on Earth. On the other hand, if “including” is the start of a phrase that is essential to your sentence’s meaning, you should not add a comma. You can safely delete it if you want without losing the context. Use a comma before “such as” and “including” when the words that follow are an aside. You should only put a comma before "but" when connecting two independent clauses. My first style disagreement with another writer at a new job. [Miguel took piano lessons for sixteen years], and [today he is an accomplished performer]. Just wondering if you could give me some guidance - I thought that you don't need a comma but am I right? After earning a perfect score on the Writing SAT, I worked my way through Brown University by moonlighting as a Kaplan Test Prep tutor. * Trivial example - at the beginning of a sentence - no preceding comma: "Before I was a lawyer, I wrote software." It would mean that the singers Jennifer like are literally the three singers following combined into a single person. 2. Ultimately, it does not matter whether the restrictive clause appears at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence, or at the end of a sentence; regardless of placement, if a descriptive clause changes the meaning of a sentence, never use commas to set the phrase apart. On the other hand, if “including” is the start of a phrase that is essential to your sentence’s meaning, you should not add a comma. You usually put a comma before and when it’s connecting two independent clauses. 2018-05-24 16:21 #0 by: Evelina Use a comma before “including” and “such as” when followed by a nonrestrictive, nonessential phrase or clause. Mammals, including dolphins and humans, are warm-blooded. Mignon Fogarty is the founder of Quick and Dirty Tips and the author of seven books on language, including the New York Times bestseller "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing." Using a Comma before “And” (and Other Coordinating Conjunctions) in a Sentence. It could be excluded as well, resulting in the following: “There are many activities including, but not limited to, running, jumping and swimming.” A lot of people have strong feelings about putting a comma before and in a list. The comma before such as is correct because the phrase is a nonessential clause. From my home office in Maui, Hawaii, I currently work on freelance and ghostwriting projects. They suggest that you are going to list just a few of the relevant items. When should you use a comma? I say the comma in the example below is superfluous because there is no introductory or non-restrictive clause. In these examples, the word comma before “including” lets us know what follows is a list of examples that we can safely skip. The price for the ticket is $15.75 including sales tax. When should you use a comma? Comma before or after including? “I met so many interesting people, including a writer, a photographer, and an aviator.” Words like “including” or “such as” are often used to introduce examples that further explain something mentioned in the sentence. With the word “including,” you’re introducing examples. In two nearly identical sentences, why does the punctuation differ? © Linguaholic 2020 | Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | Contact | About Us, “Here is” vs. “Here are”: Here's How you Tell What's Right. Rule #2: Use a Comma After an Introductory Word or Phrase. no. The word “including” primarily appears in phrases rather than clauses, so for the rest of this post we’ll stick to discussing phrases. In these examples, the first four have ending phrases that don't take a comma. Here are some examples: However, she didn’t love him back. Don’t place a comma before which when which is part of a prepositional phrase. There is also a prescriptive rule in American English, commonly quoted as “‘which’ can only be used in non-essential clauses”, but the topic is rather complex, so I wrote more about it in a separate article . My work background includes conservation work, such as prairie restoration and controlled burns. 5. Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause. no. Chief among them is that the need for commas is primarily determined by the need for clarity. “Alfred’s girlfriend will only go to see movies including vampires.”, “Jennifer hates listening to songs including bagpipes.”. Unlike clauses, which must contain at least a verb and which often include a subject or object, phrases can consist of any group of words. It’s worth noting that while they are grammatically correct, sentences with a restrictive phrase and the word “including” look and sound a little odd. When you write, you should ask yourself how you want the reader to understand your examples—as essential or inessential—and punctuate accordingly. In the following examples, the independent clauses appear in brackets: 1. On the other hand, it might be best to wait until next week. Don’t use a comma before which when it’s used to pose an indirect question. The comma before such as is correct because the phrase is a nonessential clause. Is it grammatically correct to put a comma before "and"? A compound sentence is one that contains two or more independent clauses joined by one or more coordinating conjunctions—most commonly, and. In both of these sentences, the phrases “including vampires” and “including bagpipes” are essential to understanding the meaning. Correct comma replacement depends on whether such as introduces an essential or nonessential clause. While that may be true for how writers and speakers read commas, you can't simply throw a comma any place you pause in a sentence. “Mushrooms such as the truffe blanche d'Alba are too expensive to be used daily.” The new policy applies to everyone, including faculty. In English language punctuation, a serial comma, or series comma (also called an Oxford comma or Harvard comma), is a comma placed immediately after the penultimate term (i.e. Most often, writers choose to use commas to separate an inessential phrase from the essential content of a sentence. Main Takeaways: Place a comma before which when which precedes a nonrestrictive clause. 6 years ago. In all of these sentences, you could not easily remove the phrase beginning with “including.” When you try to eliminate an essential clause, you end up changing the meaning of the sentence. The band has five members, including a drummer, two guitars, a violin, and a flute. Some people say to always use it and other people say to only use it when leaving it out would cause confusion. The sentence, “The proposal won more votes,” leaves out crucial information needed to describe the proposal that won. Once you do this, commas you find will fall into place like expertly arranged dominoes. About the Author. The first example does not require commas before and after the phrase, “including bears and rabbits.” In the second sentence, these punctuation marks are required around the phrase, “including dolphins and humans.”. You can also use a comma before ‘and’ to connect two unrelated clauses. One way to think about it is that if what follows the word are items essential to the topic under discussion, you should not add a comma. Example sentences with the word including. As with our earlier french fry example, the first sentence here is a bit odd without its restrictive phrase there to tell us what kind of movies Alfred’s girlfriend likes. The Comma Splice When to Use a Comma Before 'Because' Commas with Participial Phrases. It’s me, Marcel. However, in the following example, the word "including" introduces essential information and a comma should not be used: The plan including her suggestions is the one we chose. Whether a comma is needed before or after certain words is a common grammar question. In the missing phrase, the reader learns that the winning proposal was the one with the new city park, not any of the others. "Before" may, but need not necessarily, be preceded by a comma. My suggestion: No comma before "if" Sentence 3 is a bit more complicated: You can substitute dark chocolate for white chocolate or any of your favourite type of chocolate if you prefer. NOTE: Do not use a comma if the order is reversed (the independent clause comes before the dependent clause), except for cases of extreme contrast. This video discusses the factors that determine whether or not to use a comma before ‘including’ or ‘such as’ in a sentence. For example, this usage of "but" does not take a comma: "To quack but to have no one hear is a sad thing for a duck." Experts are often divided on the issue. 5. Whether or not you put a comma before and depends on how you’re using and.There’s no single rule that applies to all situations. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant, A nonrestrictive, or nonessential, clause could easily be removed without changing the meaning of an independent clause or sentence. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. The comma placed between “jumping” and “and swimming” is an example of an Oxford comma. Some students make silly excuses, such as “My dog ate my homework.” Siva. 2013-04-02 01:45:35 2013-04-02 01:45:35. ; Don’t place a comma before which when which is part of a prepositional phrase. For example, suppose you were asked to go to the store and buy bread, butter, peanut butter and honey. In this usage, it’s an adverb. I think the options are: "Key takeaways from the press release include:" or "There are many key takeaways from the press release, including:" Common starter words for introductory clauses that should be followed by a comma include after, although, as, because, if, since, when, while. Read more about the Oxford Comma. Are you going to buy 3 items or 4? You can safely delete it if you want without losing the context. Restrictive ⇒Don’t Use a Comma Non-restrictive ⇒ Use a Comma On many occasions, the examples preceded by 'such as' or 'including' are offset with commas. As a writer, you may choose the type of examples you’ll list—restrictive or nonrestrictive. That last comma before the “and” is called a serial comma, Oxford comma, or Harvard comma. Kevin went to Chicago with his new friends on the Friday night before last. Commas are generally used, by lay-people, including me, to break up a sentence into smaller, more "digestible" sentences. Don’t use a comma before while when you mean “during the same time.” Do use a comma before while when you mean “whereas” or “although.” When while is used as a conjunction, it has two meanings. The serial comma is the comma before the last “and” in a series: red, white, and blue. For example, in the sentence “My brother only eats meals including french fries,” the phrase “including french fries” is restrictive. Use such as to provide specific examples of something you’re talking about. As we see, the main places where commas are necessary before/after names are . Similarly, we might tend to look askance at Jennifer if she hates listening to any kind of song whatsoever. As with many comma related questions, the answer depends on whether the phrase in question is restrictive or non-restrictive. Before we reveal which sentence needs a comma and which doesn’t, let’s go back to a term from the beginning of the show: participial phrase. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but. NOTE: Do not use a comma if the order is reversed (the independent clause comes before the dependent clause), except for cases of extreme contrast. Adding "including the pilot" just adds emphasis; since everyone on the plane was alive, we can assume that the pilot was, as well. Asked by Wiki User. Ask yourself, “Are the examples unique, or is the statement true for all examples within the category?”. The annexes are part of the contract. Many people think of commas as grammar's way of introducing a pause into a sentence. In the sentence, this phrase modifies the pronoun "we", which means we used Y to focus on X. There are strict rules that govern when you can (and can't) use commas. Only if it begins a new clause. Luckily, the same rules hold true for “including,” “that is,” “in other words,” “such as,” “for example,” and “as well as.”. If you use the word "including," it may help clarify to put a comma BEFORE it, but you still do not need a colon after it. Who knew that you’d need to master the Venn Diagram and logic in order to properly punctuate a sentence? Don K. Ferguson, retired U.S. District Court chief deputy clerk, is a former News Sentinel city editor and a … (a) Guests including Betty Boo and Nana Smith sipped Dom Perignon as they chatted with the artist. between elements (including before and and or) in a series of three or more items.. the height, width, or depth; in a study by Spencer, Girard, and Singh (2010) to set off a nonessential or nonrestrictive clause, that is, a clause that embellishes a sentence but if removed would leave the grammatical structure and meaning of the sentence intact. Because I was late, I had to sit in the back. Mammals including bears and rabbits have fur. Hey fellow Linguaholics! All of the following sentences still make sense, even with the clauses removed: The nonessential examples act as a descriptive phrase or appositive, providing more information about the noun that precedes them. 2. That last comma before the “and” is called a serial comma, Oxford comma, or Harvard comma. Although many consider it unnecessary, others (including Business Insider) insist … Without the restrictive clauses, the sentences above lack crucial information. Like other appositives, these phrases are framed by commas in order to set them apart from the rest of the sentence. Although this rule is simple, it can be a bit tricky as the word “including” is ambiguous. When commas are present, these examples form a nonrestrictive element, which can be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but. If it is part of a non-restrictive or unessential clause or phrase, you need a comma. I’m an award-winning playwright with a penchant for wordplay. Do not use a comma before “as” when using it in a comparison. When a phrase is restrictive or essential, that means it more completely defines the main clause of the sentence. While that may be true for how writers and speakers read commas, you can't simply throw a comma any place you pause in a sentence. It’s almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list.. Comma Before And in Lists. Comma before including? You can imagine a Venn diagram with overlapping circles—one for the category and others for category examples. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. Typically, a restrictive phrase using this word would take the form “that include” (or “that includes” or “that included”) instead of “including.”, Rewritten to match that pattern, our example sentence about bagpipes would look like this: “Jennifer hates listening to songs that include bagpipes.”, While both forms are grammatical, you would be best served to rephrase any sentences that contain a restrictive clause or phrase beginning with “including.”. 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