
how is deer antler velvet harvested

The explanation goes something like this: The deer was likely injured/castrated in the summer of his 3rd or 4th year. Interestingly enough, deer antler velvet has a few other purposes that many people don't know about, such as helping to increase testosterone, promoting a powerful immune system, and helping burn fat naturally. It's a common misconception that deer antler velvet products, such as sprays and supplements, consist only of the soft velvety tissue that's shown in the picture above. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. From world-wide farms, we source humanely and respectfully harvested deer antler velvet that is prepared with industry approved, safe, and quick velveting removal methods with appropriate techniques for the deer. Choosing this time allows the antler to reach a decent size, yet not reach calcification or ossification stages yet. Once removed, the velvet antler is frozen at the farm and subsequently processed as required by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority. Sometimes, people who are interested in buying this product have some questions about the way that deer antler velvet is harvested. Velveting involves the surgical removal of velvet antler from male deer (stags). The deer antler velvet is stored for short periods until ready to be used in the manufacturing process. Getting the blood out of the antlers will help prevent the velvet from rotting. As you can see, harvesting deer antler velvet is a safe and simple process that doesn't cause the deer any suffering. After an appropriate time delay that allows the anesthetic to take effect, a rubber tourniquet is applied to the base of each antler, and the antler is surgically removed. It’s a given that deer have long antlers varying in size and shape. Velvet is harvested before the antler begins to calcify and regenerates annually. Unfortunately, most companies do not farm their own deer and have very little control over the product they receive. Most people see joint pain as a natural symptom that comes with age. What are the Health Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet? The deer are never under stress and are carefully monitored by a veterinarian as the antler velvet is collected. These factors also play a huge part in the quality of the raw material the company has to work with. After the antlers are removed, they're left to dry and then crushed down … There are several benefits to additional antlerless harvest, and the most notable is a more even buck-to-doe ratio. EartHerbs Deer Velvet Antler Extract is Pharmacological Grade, supplied by a PCT Certified Russia Government Medical Licensed Company and is tested by the government laboratory for quality control. Doing this can cause a host of problems with quality control over the raw materials these companies receive. Because the deer antlers that are harvested are composed of soft cartilage and fine hair, they have to be preserved using a special process. Apparently, he was an 8 year old deer, harvested in December while still in full velvet, and the deer had been castrated, most likely by jumping a fence. How has this rather simple process become such a controversial procedure in agricultural veterinary medicine? There are companies out there that still believe quality should always come first. Definition of Buck Deer. Deer antler velvet has been used in naturopathic medicine for thousands of years because of all of the unique health benefits that it offers, especially for those interested in improving their endurance, strength, and ability to heal. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Deer antler has been widely used in traditional Eastern medicine for … Posted on April 12, 2017 by Bridget Titterud - Elk Antler Chews, Elk Velvet Antler. Deer Antler Velvet is harvested from several types of deer or elk. It sounds like a sensational headline for sure. Together they have developed a velveting code to ensure deer are velveted humanely. We use the deer velvet to … We filmed, via time lapse, the growth of a deer antler after being harvested to demonstrate how quickly it can grow back. And there are other factors companies should have control over as well. EartHerbs Deer Velvet Antler harvested from antlers of wild reindeer, Arctic Regions of Siberia (Russia). This is usually done by separating the antlers into smaller sections that are then dried. Sources:, ← Older Post This about half way through the normal growth period of deer antlers. Deer with antlers completely covered in velvet (protruding through the skin) are also considered buck deer. This includes the conditions of where the deer are farmed, diet, time of harvest, antler size at harvesting and degree of ossification of the antler when harvested. Do the research and try to focus on companies that farm their own deer and manufacture their own DAV. The type of deer that could be harvested by hunters depended upon the area hunted, hunting season, and license purchased (Tables 1 and 2). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that ... Do You Suffer From Joint Pain? Other names for it include velvet antler and antler velvet. take the Deer Antler Velvet and dry and ground it into a powder. This is our indication that the velvet is in it prime state and ready to be harvested. First, they are sedated so that they can be handled more easily. When taken in its pure form, deer velvet extract is a super food with numerous amazing health benefits. are harvested in an ethical and humane manner. A buck deer must be tagged with a buck deer tag or applicable tag or permit. All of these factors determine the quality of biological components that make up DAV extract. The harvesting of deer antler velvet can be a painful process, as the velvet tissue contains an abundance of nerves and bleeds profusely if cut or removed. What Happens to the Deer Antler Velvet That is Harvested? deer are never under stress and are carefully monitored by a veterinarian as the antler velvet is collected So that means, if you choose a company that sources its raw materials elsewhere, you have very little control over the efficacy of the product you are buying. A common question asked is how deer antler velvet is made. Those stages are when the antlers turn from a cartilaginous, tissue-like state into an ossified, bone-like antler (Suttie et al., 2004). Then, an injection of anesthesia is given to them to ensure that they don't experience any pain or discomfort. The effects of deer antler velvet extract or powder supplementation on aerobic power, erythropoiesis, and muscular strength and endurance characteristics. And if you’re hunting mule deer the next month and are going to be doing a backcountry type hunt, it might be a good idea to consider a way to preserve your precious velvet in the field. Velvet antler comes from the semi-hard inner core of the male's antler during this stage. HOLIDAY SALE! This ensures their antlers are always strong enough for defending themselves. For Bone Health and Strength. Velvet antler comes from the semi-hard inner core of the male's antler during this stage. Velvet is most commonly harvested from elk bulls rather than deer bucks due to the bigger size of the antler and higher yield of velvet. Velveting involves restraining the stag to enable local anesthetics to be administered and for the velvet to be removed. As a surgical procedure, antler removal is as challenging as sawing through firewood. You'll continue to save 50% every single month for as long as you stay on autoship. Deer antler velvet is essentially a growth hormone called "insulin-like growth factor 1," or IGF-1. It contains 40 key compounds and 400 active ingredients, including the powerful protein Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) - the hormone that is produced naturally in the human body and circulates in the blood - vital to healthy physical and cognitive function. Read More: What is Deer Antler Velvet? During 2019, deer could be harvested primarily during nine hunting seasons: Liberty, archery, regular firearm, Deer antler velvet (DAV) is a fast growing bone on bucks, stags and bulls that is covered in velvety fuzz. Some athletes acc... Natural Ways to Help Treat High Blood Pressure, IGF-1 Supplements Help Support Healthy Joints, IGF-2 May Enhance Memory and Prevent The Loss of Long-term Memory. Why Do Deer Have Velvet on Their Antlers? What I'll be discussing here specifically applies to a do-it-yourself approach when you ca… Interestingly enough, deer antler velvet has a few other purposes that many people don't know about, such as. For tagging purposes, all other deer are antlerless deer, regardless of sex. Usually velvet harvesting takes place 50-55 days after the casting of the previous set of hard antlers. Velvet season is officially here. Most companies choose to source their raw materials from other manufacturers or from large deer farms in other countries. A deer with a hardened antler protruding through the skin. Is Your Diet Leaving You Malnourished? There are many different ways to preserve velvet antlers. At Nutronics, all of our deer antler velvet products are harvested in an ethical and humane manner. Why Deer Antler Velvet? Their antlers are still able to regrow afterward because it doesn't have a permanent impact on the natural regeneration cycle that occurs each spring. Like the care and measures taken when the harvesting process occurs, which portion of the antler is processed, how the antler velvet is stored, transport time to manufacturing facility, length of time the antler velvet is stored before processing and the actual processing techniques. Growth hormones, which are naturally produced … This process is overseen by veterinarians and includes government over-site of animal welfare; improperly done velveting is illegal and unnecessary in a marketplace with over 2,000,000 … This new velvet antler will grow for 63 to 65 days until there is a one-inch indention between the 4th and 5th point. The methods that are used to dry the antler velvet are important as well. Nutronics Labs Deer antler spray is a vital component of our holistic approach to healing patients.". Use code HOLIDAY20 for 20% off your entire order + Free Shipping. This process is repeated each spring until the deer have reached an age where their antlers don't grow as quickly anymore. The animal is sedated, restrained, and given an appropriate local anesthetic to prevent pain. The whole antler is harvested before it hardens in the summer and is called a 'stick'. Join our e-newsletter for offers, health advice and more! Firstly there is the surgery itself, which is not much more involved than the description provided above and is similar in many ways to dehorningcattle. The antler velvet should be frozen after collection to prevent decomposition. Deer velvet is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Posted by Nutronics Labs on August 02, 2019. It is important to know how the company you select to buy DAV extract from, harvests the raw material. They are: Cervus elaphus (red deer, New Zealand red deer, elk and wapiti). Hence the name “deer velvet antler.” The antler is harvested every year during the deer’s life. Soft, growing antler harvested from elk, red deer, sika deer, and other species is processed and used in traditional Chinese medicine and as modern nutraceuticals for its benefits in treating chronic disease and tonic effect. What some might not realize, however, is that they are replaced each year as part of a natural shedding process. Velvet antler is the whole cartilaginous antler in a precalcified growth stage of the Cervidae family including the species of deer such as elk, moose, and caribou. The new antlers look a little different until they are fully formed. In normal … The company you choose to purchase your Deer Antler Velvet from should exhibit good quality control over the entire process of collecting the raw material. FREE SHIPPING ON U.S. ORDERS OF $49 OR MORE! It is an IGF-1 source and that’s why velvet of deer antler is banned by sports organizations. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. It helps to read the following information about what deer antler velvet is and how it is removed. Elk velvet antler (EVA) is an incredibly beneficial natural resource that can promote strength, stamina, and a healthy immune system in humans and animals alike. According to studies, freeze-dried DAV was found to have the most active compounds and to be high quality and preserve the collagen content and biological activity of the DAV (Zhang et al., 2000). The deer antler velvet is stored for short periods until ready to be used in the manufacturing process. How to Decrease Recovery Time After a Workout, How to Naturally Increase Your IGF-1 Levels. When the antlers are harvested, a licensed vet must be present or supervise the harvest through a certified farmer licensed to remove the deer-antler-velvet. Velvet antler preparations are sold in China as part of traditional Chinese medicine, and in the United States and some other countries as a dietary supplement. Dr. Low Dog says she has no problem with harvesting velvet from deer killed for food, but is concerned that shortcuts will be taken should demand for the supplements continue to grow. Deer Antler Velvet - A Natural Treatment for Lyme Disease? Enroll in our convenient, money saving autoship program and you’ll get your favorite products delivered straight to your door every month. "Posted by" does not mean this is the author of any blog post or article on this website. Since DAV is perishable, it must be dried to remove excess water. Just because history and some researches tell the story about medical benefits of deer antler velvet, it does not mean it’s the perfect supplement without any cons.. First off, the supplement is surrounded by many controversies.. The companies that get their raw materials from other manufacturers, whether in the U.S. or overseas; cannot know how the deer were raised and fed, what they were fed, the exact time of harvest, if harvesting was done humanely, how the antler velvet was stored and how long it was in storage before it was processed, what the processing techniques were, transport time to processing and storage and transport time to these companies once it is processed. Your results may vary. Most Cana… that's used to describe the antler velvet harvested from the antlers of growing deer Bone and Joint Health. Deer antler velvet is a unique superfood rich in protein, growth factors and lipids. In order to create the powdered antler velvet extract used in such products, the antlers are removed around the base BEFORE they've had time to solidify into hard calcium. At the time of removal, usually in late spring, the antler is mainly formed of cartilage and has a well supplied blood vessel network. Velvet is most commonly harvested from elk bulls rather than deer bucks due to the bigger size of the antler and higher yield of velvet. The stag is suitably restrained and fitted with a tourniquet,a likely plane of separation is sighted, and with a sharp saw the animal is separated from its antler. Southern Cross Velvet then uses the deer After the old antlers break off, a new set quickly grows as soon as the spring season begins. Antlers are harvested when the deer are young, while their antlers are are still covered in soft furry velvet. Once the anesthesia has had time to take effect, an experienced veterinarian surgically removes the majority of the antlers that have grown. Cancel anytime after a minimum of 3 orders. How Is Velvet Antler Harvested? Because the deer antlers that are harvested are composed of soft cartilage and fine hair, they have to be preserved using a special process. With antlerless deer harvest trending downwards the past few years, hunters are urged to take advantage of the state's more liberal bag limits and more open days for antlerless harvest. Velvet deer antler ranks as one of the most important nutrients in traditional Eastern medicine, used for centuries to nourish the body‚ jing essence (defined as overall health and vitality). Velvet antler is covered in a hairy, velvet-like "skin" known as velvet and its tines are rounded, because the antler has not calcified or finished developing. This is usually done by separating the antlers into smaller sections that are then dried. Humane harvesting should be the only way Deer Antler Velvet is collected. antlerless deer included deer without antlers and deer with antlers less than 3 inches in length. Osteoarthritis is caused by the loss of cartilage in bone joints. This unique deer antler is humanely harvested from New Zealand. Harvesting the fur on deer antlers involves a safe and simple process that causes very little stress to the animals. Instead of their usual hard, ivory appearance, they are soft and covered in fine hair. Deer Antler Velvet is the extract taken from a deer antler when it is in its pre-calcified growth stage. Velvet Antler, commonly from deer but also obtained from elk, is the crushed antler base of the mammal's antlers; these antlers regenerate rapidly and commonly fall off, which then appear to have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for general preventative health purposes. We feed all the proper vitamins and minerals to produce "nutrient abundant" velvet antler. Deer antler velvet is seen as a possible steroid alternative because it includes something call insulin-like growth factor or IGF-1, which is said to regulate human growth hormone in the body. But whether you’re a drive-th... Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure Find the product you'd like to purchase –, Purchase your first bottle with Autoship (you'll get 50% off your order), Get Free shipping on orders of $49 or more. Velvet is harvested before the antler begins to calcify and regenerates annually. Newer Post →, Medical Director at Nutronics Labs and Sierra Integrative Medical Center, "We are pioneers in Integrative Medicine, blending the best conventional medicine with the best alternative therapies.

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