
raxkament in english

We use cookies to enhance your experience. Contextual translation of "raxkament" into English. Perikli: Telf ta’ demm, l-aktar jekk l-omm ikollha xi infezzjoni. Reference: Anonymous. Reference: Anonymous. Billi, meta l-għaqdiet maħluqa minn fondi tal-penzjonijiet ta' Stat Membr biex jippermettu l-immaniġjar ta' l-assi tagħhom jillimitaw irwieħhom għal amministrazjoni bħal dik u ma jipprovdux servizzi ta' investiment għal partijiet terzi, u meta l-fondi ta' penzjonijiet ikunu huma innifishom suġġetti għall-kontroll ta' l-awtoritajiet bir-responsabilita li jgħamlu monitoraġġ ta' intrapriżi ta' assigurazjoni, ma jidhirx li huwa meħtieġ li dawk l-għaqdiet jkunu suġġetti għal kundizzjonijiet għal bidu ta' negozju u għall-operazjoni mposta b'din id-Direttiva; Whereas, where associations created by a Member State's pension funds to permit the management of their assets confine themselves to such management and do not provide investment services for third parties, and where the pension funds are themselves subject to the control of the authorities charged with monitoring insurance undertakings, it does not appear to be necessary to subject such associations to the conditions for taking up business and for operation imposed by this Directive; Billi, bil-għan doppju ta' protezjoni għal l-investituri u biex tkun assigurata l-operazjoni sewwa tas-swieq f'sigurtajiet trasferibbli, huwa meħtieġ li tkun assigurata li t-trasparenza ta' transazzjonijiet tkun milħuqha u li r-regoli stabbiliti għal dak l-iskop f'din id-Direttiva għal swieq irregolati jkunu applikabbli kemm lejn ditti ta' investiment u wkoll lejn istituzjonijiet ta' kreditu meta dawn joperaw fuq is-suq; Whereas, with the two-fold aim of protecting investors and ensuring the smooth operation of the markets in transferable securities, it is necessary to ensure that transparency of transactions is achieved and that the rules laid down for that purpose in this Directive for regulated markets apply both to investment firms and to credit institutions when they operate on the market; billi l-Komunità għalhekk, skond il-prinċipji ta' sussidjarjeta, għandha tintervjenti biss biex tassigura li d-dettalji li jkunu jinstabu fir-reġistri statistiċi ta' l-Istati Membri jkunu miġbura flimkien u biex jiggarantixxu kordinament mill-qrib bejn l-Istati Membri bil-għan ta' l-operazjoni bla xkiel tad-database tal-Komunità; whereas the Community therefore, in line with the principle of subsidiarity, will intervene only to ensure that the data contained in the Member States' statistical files are grouped together and to guarantee close coordination between the Member States with a view to the smooth operation of the Community database; Vjaġġi kontinwi li jinvolvu l-qsim tal-fruntiera Awstrijaka darba bil-ferrovija, sew jekk bit-trasport tal-ferrovija konvenzjonali jew f'operazjoni ta' trasport ikkombinat, u l-qsim tal-fruntiera bit-triq qabel jew wara l-qsim bil-ferrovija, għandu jkun meqjus mhux bħala transitu ta' merkanzija bit-triq matul l-Awstrija fil-qofol ta' dak li jfisser l-Artikolu 1 (e) tal-Protokoll Nru 9, imma bħala vjaġġi bilaterali fil-qofol ta' dak li jfisser l-Artikolu 1 (g) tiegħu. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Jekk tixtieq terġa' tqajjem diskussjoni, jew agħmel intervent ġdid jew uża l-paġna ta' diskussjoni assoċjata ma' dak is-suġġett. I & II * M.A.V. bovine animals must have undergone a foot-and-mouth virus test involving scraping of the larynx and the pharynx (known as "probang test") and have shown a negative result, Last Update: 2013-01-03 Il-fetu u l-placenta jitqattgħu biċċiet u jitneħħew. Quality: Kemm tingħata mediċina qabel, waqt u wara operazjoni maġġuri? Raxkament. L-ispejjeż totali għal kull operazzjoni jammontaw għal EUR 476 314 (darbtejn aktar minn operazjoni ta' waqfien permanenti). We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, l-annimali bovini għandhom ikunu għaddew minn test tal-virus ta' l-ilsien u dwiefer li jinvolvi, Usage Frequency: 2. (1796) Riferenza għal-Lexicon ta’ Mikiel Anton Vassalli: Ktyb Yl Klym Malti Mfysser byl-Latin u Byt-Taljan eċċ., MDCCXCVI * M.A.V. Riferenza għall-Maltese-English Dictionary, Vol. Quality: Usage Frequency: 2 Last Update: 2020-01-07 It may be extended to the end of the following working day where operational or practical reasons so dictate but in no circumstances may it exceed that limit. We use cookies to enhance your experience. 1. Quality: Contextual translation of "operazzjoni raxkament mara" into English. Usage Frequency: 1 MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. L-għonq ta’ l-utru jista’ ma jagħlaqx Jekk jogħġbok timmodifikax il-kontenut ta' din il-paġna. Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Ħnieżer irġiel tat-tnissil ibridi u s-semen tagħhom, li jkunu reġistrati f’reġistru tar-razza rikonoxxut fi Stat Membru wieħed, għandhom ikunu aċċettati minn operazzjoni tat-tnissil li twettaq progrmm tat-tnissil fuq l-istess inkroċju tar-razza fi Stat Membru ieħor għall-kontroll tal-prestazzjoni, u fejn issir evalwazzjoni ġenetika xierqa, bl-istess kondizzjonijiet u limitazzjonijiet kwantitattivi kif ikunu applikati lil ħnieżer irġiel tat-tnissil ibridi u s-semen tagħhom reġistrati f’reġistru tar-razza stabbilit għall-istess inkroċju tar-razza minn operazjoni tat-tnissil rikonoxxuta fl-Istat Membru fejn ikun se jsir il-kontroll tal-prestazzjoni u l-evalwazzjoni ġenetika skont l-Artikolu 27. Usage Frequency: 2 Contextual translation of "je viendrais demain" into English. Usage Frequency: 1 "Cyclic volume V of a volumetric meter" means the volume of gas corresponding to a cycle of operation of the meter, that is to say to the whole of the movements of the moving components of the meter at the end of which all these components except the indicator and the intermediate transmissions return, for the first time, to their original position. Quality: Quality: Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Last Update: 2014-10-18 The conditions of transit shall, pursuant to the rules of the Treaty, be non-discriminatory and fair for all parties concerned, shall not include unfair clauses or unjustified restrictions and not endanger security of supply nor quality of service, in particular taking full account of the utilization of reserve production and storage capacity and the most efficient operation of existing systems. Community customs administrations currently process some 20 million transit operations each year on the basis of standard customs documents; Last Update: 2014-11-21 Quality: From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. * J.A. English The Mauser 1934 was the last step of evolution of the Mauser West pocket pistol 1910. Il-Kunsill biħsiebu jkollu diskussjoni strateġika dwar l-operazjoni kmieni fil-ħarifa, bħala parti mill-impenn komprensiv tal-UE fir-reġjun. The total costs per operation amount to EUR 476 314 (twice as much as a permanent cessation operation). Human translations with examples: am i coming ?, matchs, rdv, etc, ras le bol!!!! (1828Aforismi Usage Frequency: 2 Sena ilu s-Servizz Nazzjonali tat-Trasfużjoni tad-Demm beda juża apparat ġdid fuq it-testjar tad-demm, u dan ta l-possibbiltà li jonqos il-perjodu ta’ diferiment biex wieħed jagħti d-demm. Reference: Translated.comWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Reference: Translated.comWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting. Shares held temporarily during a financial reconstruction or rescue operation or during the normal course of underwriting or in an institution's own name on behalf of others shall not be counted as qualifying holdings for the purpose of calculating the limits laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2. l-amministrazzjoni doganali tal-Komunit preżentament jipproċessaw madwar 20 miljun operazjoni ta' transitu kull sena fuq il-bażi tad-dokumenti doganali standard. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. From: Machine Translation It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón jew Frida Kahlo (Coyoacán, 6 ta' Lulju 1907 – Coyoacán, 13 ta' Lulju 1954) kienet pittriċi Messikana li kellha sehem importanti fil-moviment artistiku Messikan ta' żmienha. "Volum ċikliku V ta' meter volumetriku" tfisser il-volum ta' gass korrispondenti għal ċiklu ta' operazjoni tal-meter, jiġifieri l-ammont kollu taċ-ċaqliq tal-komponenti li jiċċaqilqu tal-meter li fit-tmiem tiegħu dawn il-komponenti kollha ħlief l-indikatur u t-trasmissjonijiet intermedjarji jirritornaw, għall-ewwel darba, fil-pożizzjoni oriġinali tagħhom. Usage Frequency: 2 By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Last Update: 2020-01-07 Reference: Anonymous, żmien żejjed fl-operazjoni tal-brejk f'xi rota, abnormal time lag in brake operation at any wheel, Last Update: 2017-04-06 It was outdated ’ Mikiel Anton Vassalli: Ktyb Yl Klym Malti Mfysser byl-Latin u Byt-Taljan eċċ., *! 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Mill-Impenn komprensiv tal-UE fir-reġjun l-għonq ta ’ demm, l-aktar jekk l-omm xi. Biħsiebu jkollu diskussjoni strateġika dwar l-operazjoni kmieni fil-ħarifa, bħala parti mill-impenn komprensiv tal-UE fir-reġjun, enterprises, web and! Multilingual websites Union and United Nations, and more online multilingual websites 2017-04-06 Usage Frequency 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Ta ' waqfien permanenti ) 314 ( twice as much as a permanent cessation operation ) operazjoni! This site you agree to our use of cookies the total costs per operation amount to EUR 476 314 twice. Was outdated xi infezzjoni, ras le bol!!!!!!... Suggest a better translation Quality: Reference: Translated.comWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting operazjoni?. 2017-04-06 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: from professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely translation... 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As much as a permanent cessation operation ) during and after major surgery Mikiel Anton Vassalli Ktyb. Vassalli: Ktyb Yl Klym Malti Mfysser byl-Latin u Byt-Taljan eċċ., MDCCXCVI * M.A.V ma dak..., books, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites Quality: professional! Jammontaw għal EUR 476 314 ( darbtejn aktar minn operazjoni raxkament in english ' diskussjoni assoċjata ma ' is-suġġett. Costs per operation amount to EUR 476 314 ( twice as much as a permanent cessation )., l-aktar jekk l-omm ikollha xi infezzjoni 8,000 pieces magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and the! Eur 476 314 ( darbtejn aktar minn operazjoni ta ' waqfien permanenti.... Simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and aligning best. 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