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color: #f89d0e; { height: 80px!important; color: #f14668; } background-color: #003366;[disabled], fieldset[disabled] { s 2 4 6 8 10 1927 : aa : 1927 : chevrolet capitol roadster : 2-dr, 2p : 103" 171ci i-4 1bbl 26hp .select:not(.is-multiple) { background: white; width: 1.5em; } border-color: white; pointer-events: auto; .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:focus, justify-content: flex-end; } nav.main-nav div.navbar-menu .navbar-item, margin-left: 16.6666666667%; } padding-left: 0.75em; } The paint is in good, glossy condition with a deep shine and will catch your eye even in a room of more colorful vehicles! border-color: #333333 !important; border-radius: 2px; .file-cta { color: #fff; } margin-left: -20px!important; @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { margin-left: 13px; @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { color: #333333!important; .navbar-end >, color: #ffffff !important; padding: 0.75em 1em; The Chevrolet Series AA Capitol (or Chevrolet Capitol) is an American vehicle manufactured by Chevrolet in 1927. background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #dfd8d9 0%, whitesmoke 71%, white 100%); } } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } --columnGap: 1rem; } margin-left: 33.3333333333%; } a.navbar-item:hover,, padding-right: 5px; } } { } @media screen and (min-width: 1408px) { .navbar-brand .navbar-link:focus, .subtitle a:not(.button), { Toggle Dropdown. text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; .level-left { color: #333333;[disabled], fieldset[disabled] { align-self: baseline; { background-color: #eef6fc; border-color: transparent; .navbar-end >, nav.navbar.sort > div.navbar-item > a:hover > i { { line-height: calc(1ex / 0.4) !important; { { color: #fff; } .navbar-burger span { margin: 0; padding-right: 1.5rem; } background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); padding-left: 32px; Temperature Gauge/Light YES background-color: black; justify-content: flex-end; } { width: 50%; } .specifications-page .column.left + .column { right: -64px; top: 0; } display: inline-flex; font-size: 1.5rem; } position: fixed; $16,990. background-color: black; Acura; Alfa Romeo ; AMC; Aston Martin ; Auburn; Audi; Austin; Austin Healey; Beck; Bentley; BMW;[disabled], fieldset[disabled] { } } .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover, text-transform: uppercase; flex-shrink: 1; } font-size: 1.7rem; background-color: whitesmoke; border-color: #dbdbdb; width: 41.6666666667%; } .car-page .column.first { } .specifications-page .columns.reverse, margin-left: 0%; } a:hover, a:hover { position: absolute; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } { flex-shrink: 1; @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { font-weight: bold; { .buttons.has-addons .button:not(:first-child) { } border-color: transparent transparent #fff #fff !important; } .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus, border-color: #f14668; This car was driven to our location. border-color: #f14668; } } .navbar-burger span:nth-child(3) { Shelton Classics & Performance does not collect tax, tags, title, or any other motor vehicle fees. margin-top: 85px; background-color: white;,,, { .manufacturer .rss { margin-right: auto; All sales are final. footer ul.manus li { } .car-page .hero-top > .pic div:last-child figure { box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(54, 54, 54, 0.25); 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} color: white; select:focus,, select:active, { },,, { Description for Chevrolet Other 1927., { color: ivory; { background: #333333; width: 25%; } animation: carousel5 20s ease-in-out 3s infinite; @media screen and (min-width: 1408px) { background: #eeeeeeee; grid-template-rows: auto 1fr; .level-left .level-item:not(:last-child), { { font-size-adjust: 0.5; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px white; } padding-left: 5px; div.alpha { { width: 16.6666666667%; } color: #fff; } .table tfoot th { border-radius: 290486px; --columnGap: 1.25rem; } z-index: 28;, { font-size: 0.75rem; } color: #f89d0e!important; .navbar-link:hover, margin-bottom: -4px; margin-left: -2px; --columnGap: 2rem; } } a:not(.button):not(.dropdown-item):not(.tag):not(, color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } strong { .navbar-dropdown .navbar-item { max-width: 305px; #lp05 { opacity: 0.9; } height: 100%; background-color: #3298dc; It weighs a claimed 1064 kg at the kerb. .car-page .dropdown .button { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } } padding-bottom: 0; background-color: whitesmoke; margin-right: -0.75rem; a:hover, a:hover { margin-top: 90px; border-color: #fff; } Check Availability. border-color: #0a0a0a; .navbar-start > .navbar-item, }, { } a.navbar-item:hover,, flex-direction: row!important; background: white; { { background: #000000aa !important; letter-spacing: 1px; > { } .navbar-start .navbar-link::after, .message-body { background-color: white; color: #0a0a0a; } } .pagination-previous { flex-grow: 1; } flex-grow: 0; $22,500 Dealership CC-1655828 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 CHEVROLET 4DR SEDAN RESTORE RAT ROD STREET ROD Please Note The Following **Vehicle Location is . color: #0a0a0a; } .pagination-next { .navbar-end >, "icon content"; border-color: transparent; .subtitle strong { width: 40%; } $8,995 Dealership CC-1239673 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $19,000 Dealership CC-1122345 border-bottom-style: solid; border-color: transparent; width: 100%; font-size: 1.4rem; .navbar-start, padding: 4px; margin-left: 100%; } } order: -1; } } .table, } html.has-navbar-fixed-top-touch, The LQ and LR were rated at 30 cwt or 1 1/2 tonners. .abbreviations dt { min-width: 40px; display: list-item; float: left; margin-right: 30px; font-weight: bold; list-style-type: none; } .message-header { font-size: 1.25rem; } background-color: #353535; border-color: #b5b5b5; } .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover, top: 50px; { z-index: 3; } div.internal-nav { { width: 100%; .pagination-previous, display: inline-block; font-size: 1.5rem; } border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; .hero-buttons { .navbar-start { } @media screen and (min-width: 1216px) { "link favourite" color: #666666; right: 0; } --columnGap: 1.25rem; } } } One imperial ton is actually 20cwt,not 25cwt.Twenty five hundred weight would make the load capacity 1 1/4 tons,not 1 ton. width: 75%; } background-color: black; .table { .navbar-end .navbar-link:focus, .sort .active { .home-page h1 { background-color: #fffbeb; Because we advertise each vehicle with so many third-party affiliates, it is the customer's sole responsibility to verify the accuracy of the price with the dealer. .tabs ul { background-color: transparent; div.alpha > div a, div.m3 > div a, div.m2 > div a, div.m1 > div a, .specifications-page div.m > div a { .tools-page article { height: auto; margin-right: -0.75rem; { color: #947600; } .navbar-end { RAT ROD SALE!! margin-left: 66.6666%; } min-width: 2.5em; border-color: transparent; .navbar-link {, { @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1215px) { border-color: #dbdbdb; height: 100px; Compare. border-width: 0; width: 300px; } { background: rgba(69,69,69, 0.41); .letters { left: 7.5%; background: black;,,, { background-color: #f14668; } } } .car-page .column.first { .file-name {, {, color: white; } color: #fff; } @media screen and (min-width: 769px), print { } } right: 1.125em; .navbar-menu { background-color: whitesmoke; white-space: nowrap; } color: #dbdbdb; background-color: #f03a5f; overflow: hidden; .navbar-item.has-dropdown:focus .navbar-link, margin: 2px; .file-cta, .file-cta { width: 50%; } { margin-left: 75%; } .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus, margin-left: 8.3333333333%; } display: inline-block; a.tag:hover { .is-small.input, .is-small.textarea { flex: none; flex: none; color: #f89d0e; .control.has-icons-right ~ .icon { .navbar-dropdown { .navbar-item.has-dropdown:hover .navbar-link, border-color: transparent; { font-weight: bold; or $305/mo. .navbar-brand .navbar-link { height: 1px; } We put sellers and buyers of Chevrolet stuff in touch with one another. @media screen and (min-width: 769px), print { color: #1d72aa; } color: #1d72aa; } color: #fff; } border-color: whitesmoke; In my mind it does not mean that they were '29s just late, late '28s. padding: 0 !important; } display: inline-block; .checkbox, .radio { label.stable-toggle i { width: 25%; } .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar-brand >, --columnGap: 0rem; } } margin-bottom: -0.75rem; } border-color: #fff; #lp01 { align-items: center; .left > div { top: 0;