
how to do a microeconomic analysis

Perform a microeconomic analysis of one appropriate economic issue or phenomenon of your choice. If the firms that make such products push prices too high, consumers may react and find other alternatives. Economists aren’t trying to say a given market should be exactly like this or that. [1] Typically, it applies to markets where goods or services are bought and sold. People value things in different ways, and economists want to look at the consequences of, rather than the reasons for, those values. Giggsa Nieves. It guides the business managers in optimal resource utilization, demand analysis, cost analysis, optimal production decision, and pricing policy. Actually, it’s the study of markets and their key elements – supply and demand at the personal and corporate level and scarcity of goods. The macroeconomic analysis, on the other hand, will focus on the macroeconomic factors that are likely to affect the success of the company. Microeconomics is a popular subfield of economics. Firms must also decide when they need to alter the fixed inputs, such as factories or salary structures, they have for production. The completed paper is a professional report. Always be skeptical of people’s claims that they can make long-run profits — and therefore, if you’re an investor, returns — greater than the average of those in the market they’re in. Clearly explain your chosen question, method, and conclusions. January 14, 2018. Complete the paper on the selected situation as specified below. At what point equilibrium is reached between supply and demand is of great concern to those focused on microeconomics. Discuss the conditions required for a practical implementation of the Micro-economic model include the interaction between natural, industrial and household. Respecting choice All microeconomics is built on the idea that consumers and producers make choices about what to make or what to buy. Nestle Nutrition is a multinational company that produces and sales nutritional supplements in the form of foodstuffs and drinks (Nestlé, 2013). Microeconomics has some advice for you though. Part C: Quantitative Analysis(Show all your work with graphical analysis). The final project will be a business plan that uses statistical tools and economic theory to create a comprehensive analysis of the microeconomic and macroeconomic environment in which the focal company operates. The course presents modern microeconomic theory and a set of applications. Assignment Requirements . The paper will start with historical overview of the Netflix Company and conclude with recommendations based on the analysis suggesting how Netflix could run its future oper… Economists have two pieces of advice here: Think carefully about where the inevitable costs of using a market fall. As long as things are scarce, you have to make choices. Sometimes they propose ways to make such markets more productive or efficient. Remember these ten tips as you continue your study in microeconomics. Important note: at this level of economics, knowing how to do things (calculate elasticity, do simple math in simple word problems about total cost and average cost, etc) is not nearly as important as understanding the concepts being taught. Although getting the optimal isn’t possible, you can certainly argue about what the next best thing is. Seek out the opportunities that always exist for entrepreneurs with good ideas for reducing transactions costs for buyers and sellers. The job market is the supply and demand for labor, where employees are suppliers, and employers demand. Are there very high sunk costs? How supply and demand relates to price levels also is a major factor in microeconomic analysis. As the public demand for a product rises, the supply will dwindle. The alternative is generally pleasing neither to people who want things cheap nor to those who want good quality. For example, a monopolist doesn’t compete with itself, which can mean that you can get a better range of product diversity when there is less competition. Where macroeconomics looks at the big picture of the economy, microeconomics looks at the individual behaviors that drive economic processes. But in many market structures, competing on price is tough, and firms have an incentive to focus on other dimensions of their product. Students that do not do the homeworks do poorly on exams, which often are similar to homework questions. When people place a demand on a product, businesses usually respond by adjusting supplyof a good or service. Economists have great respect for this creativity, which is one reason why they want to see what can be achieved without intervening, before coming up with ways to intervene. An economic principle, the Theory of the Second Best, reminds you that if you can’t get the optimal solution, then there may be second-best alternatives. People are essentially creative in such situations. Browse Microeconomics news, research and analysis from The Conversation ... spurt of economic growth or productivity growth A new meta-analysis of 59 econometric studies finds it is yet to do … In a perfectly competitive market, competition is only ever on price, which is always forced down to the marginal cost of production for the marginal firm. Microeconomics examines how these decisions and behaviors affect … As a result, they always have an interest in preventing another firm from coming in and competing away the gains. The microeconomic theory or price theory thus is the study of individual parts of the economy". Remember these ten tips as you continue your study in microeconomics. Watch your wallet when anyone claims to be able to beat the market in the long run. She has taught microeconomics at both graduate and undergraduate levels since 1987. If you compete on price, over the long run, the price gets pushed down to average cost, and the firm doesn’t make profits. Explain your answer, giving some specific examples of such that incentives and disincentives. When this occurs, it is said that the short run, in economic terms, becomes the long run, and how prices and costs adjust in this period is another important part of microeconomics. One way is to take the economy of an entire nation and analyze the way that factors like inflation, interest rates, and employment levels sway the economic conditions at large. C) Who gets the goods and services . Its innovative products have made Apple one of the major players and leaders in this industry. Plus, it’s just not realistic to suggest, for instance, that all firms should abandon management structures and replace them with internal markets. Microeconomic analysis is the study of how the actions of individual people and business firms affect the economy. You only get to know what value people place on something after they choose it — or as economists say, you get to know people’s preferences when they have chosen (they also say that there are as many valuations as people). A) What goods/services to produce . You can then choose, on the basis of your investigations, and sometimes on which party you want to support. As a result, at some point you have to choose between one option and another because you can’t have both. Manzur Rashid, PhD, is a lecturer at New College of the Humanities, where he covers second-year micro- and macroeconomics. Microeconomic models are necessarily simplistic; although real-world markets are complex, with many different variables and competing firms, a microeconomic model may assume only two competing companies selling a solitary product, for example. Key concepts, theories and methods of modern economic analysis will be consolidated and applied to everyday economic issues and problems. For instance, in microeconomic analysis we study the demand of an individual consumer for a good and from there we go to derive the market demand for a good (that is demand of a group of individuals for a good). The completed paper is a professional report and is due in Week 3 (230 points). The phrase you can‘t beat the market is the kind of saying that drives economists to distraction. b). This paper will assess the business operations of the Netflix Company from a microeconomics viewpoint examining and discussing how factors such as products supply and demand conditions, price elasticity of demand, cost of production, market entry barriers, market share, and market structure effect Netflix’s performance in their market. How Do I Choose the Best Economic Analysis Books? As a […] A Microeconomist’s View to Minimizing Costs within a Firm, Consumption Bundles, Utility, and Possible Sets, How to Shift the Budget Constraint to Represent an Increase…, By Lynne Pepall, Peter Antonioni, Manzur Rashid. When economists say that you can’t beat the market, they’re pointing out that they know that markets can be shown to achieve the highest level of efficiency. Microeconomics then considers patterns of supply and demand as dictated by the aggregate of individual decisions and the factors that influence these cost-benefit relationships. Why? Political analysts use policy analyses to identify and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of specific government policies and to suggest and analyze alternative options. But that isn’t the whole story. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Microeconomic decisions by both small businesses and individuals are mainly motivated by cost and benefit considerations. What Are the Different Types of Property Market Analysis. D) A and B. Well, if they could, someone would come in and compete them away. The desire to trade creates the need for a means to trade things — a market. It is economic theory in a microscope. For example, if you have decided to go clubbing, how many drinks do you buy? When economists come across distinctive features, they explore the differences between that market and a more generic one. Sometimes, an unaccounted cost falls upon another person — an external cost — and sometimes there are costs associated with just finding the person to trade with — transactions costs. Microeconomic Analysis is a standard module on advanced microeconomic theory, providing modern treatments of consumer theory, production theory, choice under uncertainty and general equilibrium analysis. Well, economic models are built from no greater assumption than that people follow their own interests — and in so doing, create firms, organizations, production, and consumption, and all the things that make the world go round! Answer: D. 13) The objective of creating a permit trading system for SO2 (sulfur dioxide) is to . Microeconomic Analysis of Coca-Cola. Microeconomics is the study of the economic behavior of individuals, households and firms. This is in contrast to macroeconomics, which focuses instead on the economy of an entire nation as a whole. But in fact economists are the world’s greatest optimists. Consumers lose out because the incumbent producers produce less, for higher cost, and take more of the surplus. There are times when economists give two cheers to markets that aren’t competitive. Microeconomics studies individuals and business decisions, while macroeconomics analyzes the decisions made by countries and governments. To an economist, this is just a fact of life, and you may as well complain about gravity as about scarcity. This problem is one reason why firms tend to choose either to be the lowest-cost competitor or a high-quality competitor. It is also important for businesses to set price levels where they are able to maximize profits. Helpful to understand the working of the economy "Microeconomics is the analysis of the decisions made by individuals and groups, the factors that affect those decisions, and how those decisions affect others." This concept is known as the elasticity of demand, and it is crucial to macroeconomics. As Mick Jagger sang, you can’t always get what you want. This is in contrast to macroeconomics, which focuses instead on the economy of an entire nation as a whole. An argumentative essay on the microeconomic market structure Opportunity costs. Knowledge of microeconomics can help nonprofit change agents to understand the effects of policy design better and realize implications of current news sooner. Individuals, in terms of how they make decisions on consumption depending on the money they earn and the price of the products they consume, are at the heart of … Businesses are also a big part of a thorough microeconomic analysis. Do you think that economic incentives and disincentives influence family size decisions? In simpl… Microeconomics studies the economic behaviorof individual isolated units of the economy, such as a specific person, a household, a company or an industry. Even though economists generally prefer free exchange — and therefore markets — as their way of achieving goals, using those markets isn’t always costless. The Microeconomic Paper tests your ability to apply economic principles to a business decision. There are two additional topics that do not fit neatly into the sections noted above, but we think you should know about them in order to understand the economic analysis of legal rules and institutions. For example, an economist might try to explain what caused the Great Recession in 2008, or she might try to predict how a personal income tax cut would affect automobile purchases. By weighing the profits and the … Lynne Pepall, PhD, is a professor of economics at Tufts University. The applications considered include: The theory of economic decision making under risk and uncertainty, including the important notions of risk aversion and stochastic dominance … It is economic theory in a microscope. The internet has always been just about to deliver an enormous spurt of economic growth or productivity growth A new meta-analysis of 59 econometric studies finds it is yet to do so. The answer isn’t as simple as just saying that a market inevitably keeps those costs at the lowest possible level. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Given that resources are scarce, it is important to make use of microeconomics to make sound business decisions. The economist’s model of consumer behavior is called a constrained optimization — because ultimately you’re trying to do your best given that you can’t have everything. Generic models form a starting point for comparison. When they come up against an unfavorable economic situation, they try to find solutions to get around the problem. A good rule for looking at the world is that if you see a free lunch, ask who’s paying for it: If you’re not, someone else probably is. Microeconomic analysis is the study of how the actions of individual people and business firms affect the economy. The other is to take the individuals that make up an economy, both the people who consume and the businesses that produce, and see how they react to different economic stimuli. B) How to produce the goods and services . If you start in monopolistic competition — which is a common market structure — you can see why. Is a distortion involved, such as a tax or a subsidy? The alternative is to change your focus and try to make your product different or distinctive from the other competitors and, in so doing, make nonzero profits. Microeconomic analysis functions through modeling and by emphasizing interests. In several situations, a market has difficulty pricing a good. When a product seems free — as it does for some Internet services, especially in social media, check whether the product is actually you — or more accurately, your personal information that has a value to whoever is offering the service “free.”. Select one situation from the items outlined below: my paper will use Situation B. is a platform for academics to share research papers. The Microeconomic Paper tests one’s ability to apply economic principles to a business decision. The following are illustrative examples of … There are some products which will generate demand even when their price levels rise. At the heart of microeconomic analysis is the law of supply and demand. Economists recommend that you look carefully at the inefficiency and the external cost in this situation before coming up with a solution. Instead, they ask a number of questions: Is the market like that because people value things in a particular way? You say you've taken Calculus 3; expect basically the opposite of your Calc 3 final for this final. For a start, when transaction costs are high, a market in many cases is not the most efficient organizational design. When you hear politicians arguing about what to do, remember that often the argument isn’t about what the best thing is, but which of several “practical” options is the second best. MBA 502. For this reason, economists look carefully at barriers to market entry and work to get them down as low as possible in the long run. Most importantly, economists look very carefully at why a particular market exhibits those features before they rush in and call it a market failure. These tactics can prevent a rival, even one producing at a lower cost, from competing and taking away some market share. This law, which can also be found in macroeconomic analysis, basically states that these two factors will often move in inverse proportion to one another. Economics often gets a bad rap because the assumed behavior of individuals in economics seems selfish, because the model of people and firms seems to make a priority of individual benefit, and even because the model of an individual making decisions doesn’t try to reproduce many of the features people think of as essential. Microeconomics is a huge area of study, but following are many of the most important core ideas of microeconomics. Once the supply rises in response to this, demand will lessen. The applications considered include: The theory of economic decision making under risk and uncertainty, including the important notions of risk aversion and stochastic dominance Analysts study how businesses manage costs incurred in the process of hiring labor and procuring resources. This is a decision where we use marginal analysis. It is hard to describe and fully understand economics without looking at the labor market. Microeconomics is a huge area of study, but following are many of the most important core ideas of microeconomics. Microeconomic Analysis. Homeworks are the best practice for exams, they give you a sense of the relevant content areas that might come up, the type and style of questions that I ask, and you often get answer keys to help you “get inside my head” and study from. Many are ‘how much’ decisions. Individuals, in terms of how they make decisions on consumption depending on the money they earn and the price of the products they consume, are at the heart of microeconomic analysis. What Is the Connection between Market Research and Competitive Intelligence? Microeconomic Analysis to the Demand for Labor. Trade is possible because people value things differently. Microeconomic analysis gas stations Pages: 2 (330 words) Marketing Case Analysis: Curtis Automotive Hoist Sample Pages: 4 (949 words) Keynes’s Analysis of the Stock Market and Identifying the Related Policy Sample Pages: 9 (2074 words) Case Question Sample Pages: 2 (385 words) Marginal Analysis. Microeconomics plays an important role in the business decision-making process. Economic Models and Math. Microeconomics analyzes the markets and determines the prices for services and goods that best allocate limited resources. Apple ’ s iPhone Microeconomic Analysis . Clearly explain your chosen question, method, and conclusions. Markets do have unique and distinctive features — such as, for example, in health care — that often vary from place to place and product to product. Microeconomics (from Greek prefix mikro- meaning "small" and economics) is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and small impacting players in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources (see scarcity). This type of study is known as microeconomic analysis. They may erect barriers to do so — including advertising, investing in things that involve sunk costs, and making their product or brand different or unique in the consumer’s eye. Clearly explain your chosen question, method, and conclusions. Public goods — such as street lighting, public parks, or even law enforcement — are another case, one made worse by the impossibility of excluding people who haven’t paid for these services from using them. One ’ s impossible key question is what makes those costs as as! Optimal resource utilization, demand will lessen share research papers everyday economic issues and problems current news.. 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